Friday, 17 June 2016

An alternative ending to the Orlando shooting

**Content warning: this will be an honest account of some of my sexual struggles during my life and may not be appropriate for minors nor for those of a sensitive nature**

How long do you need to spec a gay bar before committing an atrocity?  1 day, 1 week, 1 about 3 years?

This is how long Omar Mateen had been visiting the Pulse gay nightclub before he shot and killed 49 people.

People are naturally looking for an explanation of what happened.  For some it's about lax gun controls, for others its about hatred of gays, for some it's simply about a mentally unstable man.  I'd like to offer a different commentary based on parallels in my life.

The Qur'an is clear that homosexuality is a sin.  Yet Omar had been attending this gay nightclub for at least 3 years and had been having conversations with gay men via a gay dating app.

I would like to suggest that Omar struggled with the issue of being attracted to men and yet knowing it was wrong.  Islam offers no grace, no help to stop sinning, only law.  You must not do this.  What do you do in this situation?  How long can you live under such condemnation before you finally flip and lash out at yourself (through cutting or suicide) or at others (through abuse up to murder).

I understand a little of Omar's struggle.

I never felt affirmed as a man.  I felt that I was a disappointment to my father and didn't measure up.  My father-in-law also didn't see me as a man and whilst I remember joking in my wedding speech that "it's not so much losing a daughter but gaining a womany-bloke" the truth is I didn't feel like a "proper" man.  Getting married didn't fix that.  Nor did becoming a father.  I felt the constant need for approval of a father-figure that I never received growing up.
During my early marriage I acted out by looking at pornographic images of women. I knew it was wrong and I hated myself for it.  I used to take out my anger on my wife.  Often as a defensive mechanism because if she got too close she would expose who I really was and I didn't want that.  So I'd make out that it was her fault.

However, whilst early exposure to pornography and subsequent masturbation had hardwired my brain to women the yearning for manly approval grew and became more sexual.  I started fantasising about kissing certain men when I was talking to them.  I needed to feel loved and wanted by these men.  But I knew that this was wrong too*.  And I hated myself for it.  I tried to suppress it but it kept coming back.  Just like the way I projected my self-loathing onto my wife due to my pornographic addiction, I projected my self-loathing about my same-sex attraction onto gays.  I would see homosexuality as the unforgivable sin and loathe them in my heart.

Given the similarities between my life and Omar's - the overbearing father, the religious upbringing I know that this could have easily been my story.

Some will interject now and say "you need to accept these desires as natural and reject this outdated religious bigotry".  However, to quote CS Lewis:
"He (Satan) always sends errors into the world in pairs - pairs of opposites.  And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is the worse.  You see why of course?  He relies on your extra dislike of the one error to draw you gradually into the opposite one.  But do not let us be fooled.  We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors"
My story ends differently.  Instead of denying my desires I didn't just accept them and act on them, I expressed them to Jesus.  I honestly told him about my struggles.  As I admitted the truth, I brought these desires into the light and that was when the transformation began.  He opened my eyes to the fact that it was only men in authority that I wanted to kiss.  It was because of my feeling so unmanly, so unworthy, so useless that was the root of my desire to be accepted and loved by authority figures.  Jesus has all authority (Mt 28:18), he is above every power and authority (Eph 1:20-22; Phil 2:9-10) and he loves me (Jn 15:9,12).  As I have been receiving the approval of the ultimate authority I have become more whole.  As I have drunk deep of Christ's masculinity I have become more manly.  As I have received the Father's love and approval my desires for men have simply faded away.  I have become complete and whole in Him who is my all in all (1 Cor 15:28).  I know that without this grace I could have very well been Omar.

Omar, I'm sorry you didn't discover this third way.  I'm sorry you didn't receive this love and grace that transforms.  I'm sorry that others paid the price for your self-hatred. 

Can I recommend my friends blog article on the Orlando shooting that expresses something of the heart of God here.

* It's not the purpose of this article to defend the traditional Christian view of homosexuality.  Others have done that adequately elsewhere.  Any plain sense reading of passages such as Rom 1:26-27 and a correct understanding of hermeutics will support this.  However, we mustn't get pushed into the false dichotomy of if I don't agree I must hate gays.  As this article shows there is another way.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

God will never give you more than you can handle and other myths (teach your children godly sexuality part 17)

Welcome to the last post of our basic course "teach your children godly sexuality".  We have looked at four principles:
  1. Good - because our sexuality reflects the nature of our three in one God
  2. Holy - because it reflects God it is not ordinary
  3. As you walk along - we tell stories and answer questions in everyday life
  4. Nothing is impossible - God can redeem all things and gives us wisdom for all situations

To finish this series I want to tackle the myth that "God wouldn't give you children if He didn't think you could handle it".

The hospital was clinically negligent during the birth of our first child.  I remember the blood steadily dripping into the bucket, the junior doctor taking an age to stitch up my wife after the tears, the colour draining from my wife's face and then that doctor calling in for more help.  As it was our first baby we thought this was normal.  My wife's  friends all said that a baby was wonderful and left her feeling inadequate.  I was in a stressful job and was no support.  Truth be told: I actually put more demands on her during this time.  When she told the doctor about her depression he told her to pull herself together.  She spiralled into clinical postnatal depression.  She tried to kill herself and was taken into a psychiatric ward.  I was left holding the baby and had no support from work.  After pouring out my heart to my boss he told me he didn't want me staying at home moping and so I carried on going to my stressful work and had a nervous breakdown.  This was the beginning of our parenting journey.  This, along with the deaths of two of our children (Rachel and James) and the moment when my wife had packed up the car drove to my office and told me she was leaving, was one of the darkest periods in my life.  I couldn't handle it.

You see the phrase implies that we have all it takes.  That by striving hard or by having the encouragement of friends we can make it.  It's simply not true.

If it was then we wouldn't have to ask God for anything as we'd be self-sufficient. We would be able to live independently of God.  We'd be repeating Adam and Eve's sin of being the gods of our own lives.   It is the spirit of pride.  The same spirit that led to Satan's downfall.

The truth is we depend on God for everything.  In Christ all things hold together (Col 1:17).  We are breathing now because of Jesus.  We're not independent - moment to moment we exist because of the grace of God.

When God chose the people of Israel for His own, He sought to train them up.  As they travelled through the desert they had no food.  They were dependent on God's manna from heaven.  If they took more than they needed it would become full of maggots (Ex 16:20).  They had to daily depend on God's provision.

Jesus summed this principle up when he taught us to pray:
"Give us today our daily bread" (Lk 11:3)
We have to ask God daily for what we need.  It isn't given automatically.  Daily we have to express our dependence on Him.
"I am the vine; you are the branches...apart from me you can do nothing" (Jn 15:5)
Doesn't this verse make you want to add a qualification to it?  "Of course I can do some things - it's talking about spiritual things or it's talking about getting into heaven or...".  Whatever you believe is the exception to this rule is where you believe you are independent of God.

Let's return to raising godly children and teaching them about godly sexuality.  All the principles in the world aren't going to achieve this.  Only with God's help can we do this.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13 NKJV emphasis mine)
Did you know muscles only grow when they are damaged.  It's the repairs of the microscopic tears that cause the growth.  This is a physical reflection of a spiritual reality.  Only when we are stretched beyond what we can bear do we grow.  Why?  Because then we acknowledge our dependence on Him and call on Him to transform us.

In life we will experience storms and anything built in our own strength will fall flat.  Sometimes in His grace God will allow you to experience events that show our need for Him*.  If we call on Him they become places of growth.  If we don't they become places of destruction.  I never want to repeat those dark days but I am genuinely grateful for them, as it pushed us into Him and our lives were transformed as a result.

There was the time my friend at church was distraught as their child was refusing to eat and nothing they could do was working.  It had been several days and she was tearing her hair out.  We cried out to God for help.  We recognised that we couldn't do anything.  We called out to Him and He transformed the situation.  Their child began eating from that moment.

There was the time my middle daughter was experiencing night terrors.  I as a Father could do nothing but call out to God and ask for help.  But a quick prayer didn't seem to make a difference.  I found I had to stay by her bedside praying in tongues for about 10 minutes, dependent on Him, before the transformation came and her cries in her sleep turned into squeals of laughter.  And I had to repeat this every night for about a week.

All we need, all we have is found in Him.  Run to Him daily and receive what you need.  Amen.

.  It's part of the problem of living in the West with the deceitfulness of wealth (Mk 4:19) that we can end up disowning God (Prov 30:8-9) thinking we have it all.  Why do you think the poor are rich in faith (Jas 2:5)?  Because daily they realise their dependence on Him.
* Please understand that I don't believe God sends us trouble as He is a good father who gives us good gifts (Jas 1:17; Lk 11:11-13).  However, in this fallen world we will experience trouble.  And particularly since Satan hates marriage, sex and children (as they most reflect our God) he will seek to kill, rob and destroy them (Jn 10:10).