Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Repetition is important (teach your children godly sexuality)

So here I am, I've given workshops to parents about how to teach godly sexuality to their children.  I live these principles in my own life.  I don't shy away from talking about sex and regularly have God-focussed conversations with my children about how our sexuality is good and holy.

It's all too easy after you've had one conversation with your children about sex to pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on a job well done.  But just because you had "the talk" doesn't mean they actually understood what you said.

This was brought home to me when one the mother of a friend of my youngest son said he had told her son that babies were made by the man peeing in the woman's china.

I was mortified.  I was also humbled and repented of my self-satisfaction.  I learnt an important lesson that day:

Repetition is important, repetition is important and did I mention repetition is important.

I mentioned in a previous post about how talking about sexuality with our children should be "the talks" and not "the talk".  Well this is another reason why. 

It's just like discipleship - understanding is something that happens gradually over a period of time it's never a one-time brain dump. 

Father may we never tire of sowing into our children's lives until they grow into a mature knowledge of you, your creation and your nature.

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